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Well, I'm Ingemar... and unless specified, most of the content on the TOMKYOU blog will be about an orange catman. The profile and the INGEMAR blog will be exclusively about me, the non-catman.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Oboro vs. Derihourai

I once commented that Derihourai (Karura' kid brother) is like a replacement Oboro in that both dual-wield, lead some ghetto-ass scrub units and have attitude problems. But let's see how they do in this game called life....

Oboro: Leads a band of ninjas (?)
Deri: Leads a liberation "army"
Winnner: Tie.

Oboro: Has a sick, blind younger sister.
Deri: Has a monstrously strong older sister.
Winner: Deri.

Oboro: Fights with two swords.
Deri: Fights with enlarged tonfas.
Winner: Oboro

Oboro: Has yet to do any significant damage to an enemy hero unit.
Deri: Killed an evil ruler.
Winner: Deri.

Oboro: After country's liberation, held more or less the same position.
Deri: After country's liberation, became its emperor.
Winner: Deri.

So there you have it folks, Derihourai kicks more ass than Oboro.


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