Utawarerumono 10 and 11
I didn't find episode 10 terribly interesting so I'll just give a bulleted summary.
Ep. 11
The scene is back with Teoro and everyone in Tusukuru's (the grandmother) old village. Teoro and friends run out of fertilizer and he wonders if he can ask Hakuoro to make some more for him. His wife tells him that is a stupid idea since as the new Emperor, Hakuoro has much more important things to do.
Urutorii had arranged for neighboring countries to unite with Tusukuru (the country) to defend from hostilities against Shikeripetim. Kamyu returns with souvenirs for Aruruu and Yuzuha.
Urutorii begins the unification ceremony, but before the delegates sign the contract, Teoro barges in and warns Hakuoro of an enemy force that attacked his village. The enemy is at the castle walls. Hakuoro and Co. meet the enemy but Teoro stays behind to rest. When everyone leaves, Teoro slouches on a pillar and we can see blood flowing out. He has a vision of his wife and the other villagers and tells her than he kept his promises. He wishes luck for Hakuoro.
Hakuoro's men, thanks to an ingenious entrapment tactic, annihilate the enemy with ease. The last enemy soldier to fall tells him that their commrades will put an end to them and wishes pain and suffering upon Hakuoro. Benawi tells Hakuoro that the soldiers are not from Shikeripetim.
Sometime later, Hakuoro and friends are gathered around Teoro's body. Meanwhile, Aruruu is desperately trying to wake Teoro up. Kurou comes with a report on Teoro's village. He stalls a while, but finally says that the village was razed. Aruruu is still trying to wake Teoro up but Hakuoro tells her that he is now where Tusukuru (the grandma, again) is, right now. Aruruu has an emotional outburst and Eruruu chloroforms (yes, I'm serious) her so she can get over it. Then Hakuoro chloroforms Eruruu.
Oboro is pissed off and wishes to attack Kuccha Keccha (the enemy) but Benawi says they shouldn't do so until they find out the truth. Oboro continues to protest until Hakuoro tells him to be quiet.
That night, Karura shares some booze with Hakuoro. Hakuoro is mystified as to why the attackers were so vehement as to attack with no hope of success and Karura says that they "were already dead." She wonders what Hakuoro must have done to piss them off so hard but he says he doesn't know since he has no memory before Eruruu rescued him.
Urutorii tells them that the sudden attack on Hakuoro's castle discouraged the neighbor countries from signing the unification treaty. Then, a wounded messenger comes to Hakuoro and tells him that Kuccha Keccha attacked his company/unit/whatever. Hakuoro decides they must attack Kuccha Kecca.
While they march, they suddenly find themselves surrounded on all sides by Kuccha Keccha. A female warrior with winglike ears appears and wastes some of Hakuoro's scrub units with her mad iaijustsu skills. Her name is Touka. Before she can attack Hakuoro, Karura blocks her. The leader of the enemy army calls Hakuoro "Rak Shine" and accuses him of being a traitor. He also says that "Rak Shine" is his younger brother-in-law.
- A slave ship gets shipwrecked during a storm. A woman in chains breaks free.
- When the crew comes to shore so does the previously chained woman. She massacres them all barehanded.
- Hakuoro's men find her and keep her in a cell. Oboro doesn't really like her, Benawi says she was from a ship from Na Tunk which deals in human (if you can really call them that) trafficking.
- Then she barges in and tells them that her name is Karura and asks if Hakuoro will send her back to Na Tunk. Instead, Hakuoro has Eruruu do a check up on her.
- So Eruruu plays "doctor" with Karura. Karura asks some probing questions which make Eruruu blush and protest vigorously (hint: about Hakuoro, and Eruruu's possible lesbianism).
- Also, full back nudity (plus a tail!) is involved.
- Eruruu asks Hakuoro to let Karura free. Hakuoro agrees. But Karura would rather live in the cell.
- Aruruu wonders what the shackle on Karura's neck is and Karura says it's a necklace, y'know, one of the latest fads. Karura makes a floral necklace for Aruruu. Instant friendship (how come most of Aruruu's new relationships involve someone giving her something?)
- Karura's ammenities include barrels upon barrels of osake. Appears to have an iron liver.
- Urutorii now is working full-time (?) for Tusukuru (so is Kamyu, but I think it's just so she can spend time with Aruruu and Yuzuha). Apparently, she knows Karura and they hit the bottle together.
- Hakuoro wants to put Karura in the army. Oboro disagrees. Kurou agrees, but then again I think he's trying to get lucky.
- To test her, Karura is to fight Benawi. They clash. Benawi seems to be much weaker than her, but his finesse helps him stand a chance. Karura is so strong that her missed attacks destroy whatever weapon she is wielding.
- Shikinaro (the merchant with the dried sea creature penis energy drink) brings in a gigantic sword (more like a gigantic hunk of metal) that Karura requested. So heavy that Kurou can only lift it a few inches whereas Karura wields it like a toy. Sanosuke Sagara, anyone?
Ep. 11
The scene is back with Teoro and everyone in Tusukuru's (the grandmother) old village. Teoro and friends run out of fertilizer and he wonders if he can ask Hakuoro to make some more for him. His wife tells him that is a stupid idea since as the new Emperor, Hakuoro has much more important things to do.
Urutorii had arranged for neighboring countries to unite with Tusukuru (the country) to defend from hostilities against Shikeripetim. Kamyu returns with souvenirs for Aruruu and Yuzuha.
Urutorii begins the unification ceremony, but before the delegates sign the contract, Teoro barges in and warns Hakuoro of an enemy force that attacked his village. The enemy is at the castle walls. Hakuoro and Co. meet the enemy but Teoro stays behind to rest. When everyone leaves, Teoro slouches on a pillar and we can see blood flowing out. He has a vision of his wife and the other villagers and tells her than he kept his promises. He wishes luck for Hakuoro.
Hakuoro's men, thanks to an ingenious entrapment tactic, annihilate the enemy with ease. The last enemy soldier to fall tells him that their commrades will put an end to them and wishes pain and suffering upon Hakuoro. Benawi tells Hakuoro that the soldiers are not from Shikeripetim.
Sometime later, Hakuoro and friends are gathered around Teoro's body. Meanwhile, Aruruu is desperately trying to wake Teoro up. Kurou comes with a report on Teoro's village. He stalls a while, but finally says that the village was razed. Aruruu is still trying to wake Teoro up but Hakuoro tells her that he is now where Tusukuru (the grandma, again) is, right now. Aruruu has an emotional outburst and Eruruu chloroforms (yes, I'm serious) her so she can get over it. Then Hakuoro chloroforms Eruruu.
Oboro is pissed off and wishes to attack Kuccha Keccha (the enemy) but Benawi says they shouldn't do so until they find out the truth. Oboro continues to protest until Hakuoro tells him to be quiet.
That night, Karura shares some booze with Hakuoro. Hakuoro is mystified as to why the attackers were so vehement as to attack with no hope of success and Karura says that they "were already dead." She wonders what Hakuoro must have done to piss them off so hard but he says he doesn't know since he has no memory before Eruruu rescued him.
Urutorii tells them that the sudden attack on Hakuoro's castle discouraged the neighbor countries from signing the unification treaty. Then, a wounded messenger comes to Hakuoro and tells him that Kuccha Keccha attacked his company/unit/whatever. Hakuoro decides they must attack Kuccha Kecca.
While they march, they suddenly find themselves surrounded on all sides by Kuccha Keccha. A female warrior with winglike ears appears and wastes some of Hakuoro's scrub units with her mad iaijustsu skills. Her name is Touka. Before she can attack Hakuoro, Karura blocks her. The leader of the enemy army calls Hakuoro "Rak Shine" and accuses him of being a traitor. He also says that "Rak Shine" is his younger brother-in-law.
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