Ingemar's Blog of Sundry Goodness

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

Well, I'm Ingemar... and unless specified, most of the content on the TOMKYOU blog will be about an orange catman. The profile and the INGEMAR blog will be exclusively about me, the non-catman.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The final hour is approaching

3 hours away from the BIMM 100 final. FTW! Actually, I am sick of studying at this point. I can't look at any materials for more than ninety minutes without blanking or getting distracted.

There's been a bit of a reversal. I actually feel more prepared for this final than I do for BICD 11o, whereas it was the other way around for the midterm. At any rate, I hope I do well.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Public Service Announcement

Finals week sucks.

That is all.

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Signs that there is love in a marriage

Any wife who would put up with this must love her husband. Even if the love is, how should I say, "tough."

A coach I knew personally had a "love test." He would test his wife's love by farting into his hand and shoving it in her face.

Think about it.

Fate/Stay Night Turnaround Episode

I still have a little time before I need to do my Hardcore Mad Insane Crazy study session followed by Self-Study under the guise of eating pie in Denny's, so I will stop containing my excitement having watched episode 11.

I call this the "Turnaround" episode because Shirou quite literally "turns around" from his actions as of late.

1. Rin notices that Shirou's true sorcery is not reinforcement, but apparently creating something out of nothing. I already knew this much about him after brutally spoiling myself, but the way they said it in the episode sounded confusing. "Equal substitution?" I guess magic isn't a zero-sum game.

2. After a rude awakening from Shinji (basically realizing that Shinji is a contemptible bastard who will hurt people who are already down), Shirou "throws off the gloves" and dons the cojones of an Alpha Male. Earlier he says he will avoid fighting when he can, but once the school is threatened by Shinji and Rider, he not only decides to fight but also threatens to kill Shinji and demands Shinji to give up at that instant. In other words, Shirou starts fighting in the Holy Grail War as if it were a War.
This is also a turnaround for Shinji, as he turns from a slithering slimy bastard into a whimpering whiny bastard when Shirou throttles the sumbitch.

3. Shirou also realizes the error of his ways and admits it to Saber. He agrees to let her do the fighting since it's her job. I admired Shirou earlier on because of his determination and nobility, but he had been fouling it up do to his imprudence (read: idiocy). Shirou is finally getting some sense to temper his idealism. But the pendulum at least doesn't swing too far the other direction and make Saber do all the hard work for him.

4. Even though reinforcement isn't his true power, Shirou improves even that almost instantaneously. I think this is thanks to Rin helping him turn on his "magical circuit." Up until now, Shirou's reinforce has had dubious effects on whatever he tried to reinforce (i.e., they still broke after enough stress). But he managed to turn a broomstick into some impressive metallic substance, which shows us that he's been doing it wrong all along (the metal poster and the table from the previous episodes didn't change color or composition or anything).

Also, the "magic circuit" animation that they showed whenever he tried that spell changed too. Whenever he did reinforce before, there was an animation of a circuit board and a green line of energy that would pulse through it. Now, several green lines pulsed through and "overflowed," as if some huge increase in his power were realized. I liked the effect of how his magic circuit overloaded when he heard Shinji brag about his own glorious assholishness.

All in all, it looks like even the Shirou haters will have to quiet down a little. I hope we learn about his future as YOUKNOWWHO, but I doubt that will happen. Oh well, I could at least gloat about it when the series ends.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Finals week.... 2x[BAD LANGUAGE]!

I think it is a true saying that the less free time you have, the more likely you are to make every second count.

I have a crippling weakness when it comes to all academic endeavours. That weakness is that I am lazy. However, when I was burdened with both a job, a lab class and a bunch of other crappy classes, I managed to do O-kay. When I quit my job, my grades plummetted.

A coach I knew said that when he was in (high?) school, his grades dropped when he quit sports to focus on his classes. Now I am finding out the hard way.

This is why I am looking for a job next quarter. I want to be more productive (AND! make a little money on the side).

(Oh darn, what about the title? Well, of course, Finals are next week and I am feeling the pinch. I wish I weren't so lazy).

Saturday, March 11, 2006

A primer to power levels in Type-Moon

Quick Visual Guide.

But by that logic, Rider should be the most powerful Servant in the bunch....

Monday, March 06, 2006

Best Azumanga AMV EVER

I still can't get why I can't think of any meaningful things to jot down for my essay even though I've stared at Kant and Paine for a while.

I need some distraction.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Essay time again.....[BAD LANGUAGE]!!!

It's essay time again. I picked a prompt already, but I'm nowhere near formulating a thesis. And I feel trapped, unable to start.

And like all essay seasons, I feel compelled to complain rather than do anything about it. I feel rather lucky that I got an A (no - !) for the essay I wrote on Candide. Apparently, I was the only student of that TA to get an A. The pressure is horrifying, I feel. That I would write so well in the estimation of this TA (and of Caldwell) means that I am compelled to repeat the same act. Unfortunately, all three prompts revolve around good ol' Manny Kant. The prompt I picked asks "to what extent is the colonists' desire for independence compatible with the categorical imperative?"

As I said earlier, I'm having trouble formulating a thesis. Throughought the eleven essays I have written (yes, I have counted them all--no, this does not include finals) I have somehow managed to evade "to what extent" questions. Yet the only non-"to what extent" question is INMNSHO really prickly. So I am stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Then again, sleep is for the weak. I should learn how my classmates feel who only sleep four hours a day.

Another F/SN Caption "Contest"

Saber: No...... they took my burrito.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Random F/SN picture (caption contest?)

Shirou: Sakura....
Sakura: Senpai, you weren't supposed to see those pictures!
Shirou: Too late.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Why Marriage Sucks These Days

From Vox Popoli:

WOMAN: Why are men so afraid of commitment?
MAN #1: Because we're not crazy. Look at how the deck is stacked against us.
WOMAN: Well, that's only because we've been oppressed for 10,000 years. It's payback time.
MAN #1: I never oppressed anyone.
WOMAN: Well, someone did. And who? Men! And you're a man, so obviously you're an immature, controlling would-be rapist at heart, so you'll oppress me and my sisters again unless we make sure the government keeps you chained down. We have to protect ourselves, you know.
MAN #1: Ooookay... gotta go.
WOMAN: Hey, where are you going? Look, I've got a diploma! What's the matter with you? Yeah, well, no one wants you anyway! You just can't handle a smart, sexy, successful woman.
MAN #2: What's going on? I heard some shouting.
WOMAN: Oh, nothing. (deep sigh) Why are men so afraid of commitment?