Ingemar's Blog of Sundry Goodness

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Location: San Diego, California, United States

Well, I'm Ingemar... and unless specified, most of the content on the TOMKYOU blog will be about an orange catman. The profile and the INGEMAR blog will be exclusively about me, the non-catman.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Section of the Damned

It's been two days since my first discussion section. I can summarize the entire experience in two words.



On the bright side, if this persists, I will never get a negative student eval...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

Bitches leave

I just discovered Word Verification for I was puzzled when I got wierd comments for my "Clarence Boddicker" and "Blame" posts that had nothing to do with the posts themselves.

I doubt anyone will read this blog, but! If you read my blog, you have to type in a word that appears in a graphic. Otherwise, I say to you, to quote my good friend Kurtwood Smith:


Could have. Should have.

The tyranny of those four words.

[redacted for security]

"I could have stayed home. I should have stayed home." The tyranny of those four words is that they conjure up the Better World that May Have Been. All that these images do is razz you and sting you as you lap up the bitter milk of Reality.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


I'm a TA for a biology class now. I don't want to get into specifics in case some classmates find this blog (I doubt they will, though).

Kinda edgy right now. It's been a year since I've had the class and I need review. They changed the books, but fortunately the department lets TA's borrow the book for a quarter. What I really fear is that I look like a complete idiot for fifty minutes.

Then again, the TA's I had were never brilliant beacons, either.

Sunday, September 18, 2005

I'm a bishounen?

"Bishounen" means beautiful boy in Japanese. The fact that I scored "bishounen catboi" on that quiz in the previous entry makes me feel--unwell.

1. Beautiful boy--the last time I saw those two words together in a non-anime context was when I read through a fan made script of Gladiator. The script said that Gracchus's (Derek Jacobi) "beautiful boy servant" notified him that the Praetorian Guard were coming. Reading it on text doesn't seem all that frightening, but when you see those twenty seconds on screen, it absolutely creepifying (is that even a word?) The beautiful boy servant looked like Pee Wee Herman with thick Mexican eyebrows and mascara. When you couple this with the fact of the rampant homosexuality in Classical period, you won't be able to sleep at night.

2. Most bishounen are vaguely androgynous. If you doubt me, just watch Fruits Basket or any CLAMP anime in which most of the characters are male. And look at the picture on the previous entry. If any man in real life wore those kind of jeans, you would not only be able to see his package, but also count the change in his pocket. I don't see Mr. Catboi's package anywhere. *shudder*

Perhaps this should have gone as an addendum to the previous post. Oh well, at least I wasted two minutes of your life polluting your mind with the thought of Pee Wee Herman fellating on Derek Jacobi. But give the former's track record and the latter's orientation, it really is not that farfetched a scenario.

OK, now I have to vomit.

Friday, September 16, 2005

The Kind of Catboy I am.

You're a Bishonen Catboy!!! You're so
put catgirls to shame. *_* You tend to be
sorta quiet and timid, but with people staring
at you all the time, you have reason to be.

What Kind of Catboy are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Clarence Boddicker

"Bitches leave."

Friday, September 02, 2005


Unless you're comatose or dead, you must have heard about Hurricane Katrina's destructive power upon MI/AL/LA, especially New Orleans.

It is all too humyn to blame something on someone else. A hurricane is no exception. Let's run the "guilty parties":

--America, for not ratifying Kyoto
--Bush, because he's to blame for everything
--The entire state of Louisiana (in general) and Gov. Blanco (D) (in particular)
--The National Guard
--Your next door neighbor
--etc, etc....

Frankly, this is pathetic. It is so much easier to point fingers than to help. It is also easier to say that we need to help than to actually help. I call this "compassionate chickenhawkism". But this is understandable, since to go out and help now would involve:

--spending prodigious amounts of money flying or driving to disaster areas (HurKat especially devastated oil and other commodities that travel through Gulf Coast channels)
--Risking life and limb against mobs of looters that include civilians AND police
--Wading through seas of shit

Me, I'm not looking for a safe place to stand on this shaky issue. The nobler part of me wants to go out and help, but the practical part of me realizes this is untenable. And the depraved part of me wishes to see depraved citizens of Mardi Gras land squirm a little while longer.