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Well, I'm Ingemar... and unless specified, most of the content on the TOMKYOU blog will be about an orange catman. The profile and the INGEMAR blog will be exclusively about me, the non-catman.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Two in One

Since I have somewhere to be in less than an hour, I felt I should streamline my thoughts and combine two topics into one post.

First topic: Hum paper due in seven days. You know I am in a Hum class whenever I question my existence on earth and I can't sustain myself without bitching. I was phased, struck completely by surprise when a paper I worked so very hard on recieved a C+. Considering I also visited the TA twice to discuss my thesis, I felt like I had been hit with a Mack truck hauling bricks. Naturally I felt intimidated when the next essay I had to do rolled along, but then I felt a little more comforted when I thought about the prompt and felt I could write hundreds of words explaining quotations--words that weren't fluff. Still, I won't be impressed until it fits the page minimum.

Second topic: I don't know if Fate/Stay Night ep. 5 is out yet, but now I am torn between whether I like Rin or Saber more. On the one hand is the Magi With The Magical Legs (if you don't know who this is, scroll down a few posts and see for yourself). On the other hand, while Saber is not as pretty-looking, I am impressed with her personality. Shiro was warned that Servants devour humans to regenerate mana; but Saber told him that attacking innocent civilians was against her honor. Also, she is serious and caring at the same time. Of course, as episodes progress, we may find out that Saber is a total bitch (ditto Rin). But to say more about Rin, she doesn't seem all that bad herself. She helped Shiro after he was wounded (again) even though the two are locked in a life-or-death winner-take-all struggle. Maybe she is a nice person, or maybe she just wants to kill him with kindness, as it were, so she can take Saber. I don't know. Time will tell.


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